Xiao Huo Luo Pian – MeridianClear


Discount: $10.95 each when you buy 2 or more

Xiao Huo Luo Pian is an important classical formula for releasing wind, cold and dampness from the body and restoring proper physiological function to the channels.


Xiao Huo Luo Pian – MeridianClear

Guang Ci Tang

200 mg – 100 Tablets
5x Concentrated

Xiao Huo Luo Pian – MeridianClear is one of the most classical formula of TCM for relieving lower back and joints pain due to the wind-dampness and obstructed channels. MeridianClear warms and unblocks the channels to support normal movement and function of the limbs.

Xiao Huo Luo Pian is an important classical formula for releasing wind, cold and dampness from the body and restoring proper physiological function to the channels.

Xiao Huo Luo Pian is composed of six herbal medicinals which powerfully warm the channels and dispel wind-cold-dampness. The chief herbs are Zhi Chuan Wu (prepared mother root of common monkshood) and Zhi Cao Wu (prepared wild monkshood root). Chuan Wu and Cao Wu are among the most effective herbs in the Chinese materia medica for warming the channels and dispersing cold and dampness.

Dan Nan Xing (Arisaema pulvis) is a deputy herb in this formula whose primary functions are in dispelling wind and dissolving phlegm. Dan Nan Xing is cool in nature and somewhat mitigates the hot nature of the other herbs in the formula.

The two assistant herbs Mo Yao (Myrrh) and Ru Xiang (Boswellia resin) invigorate the blood, relieve discomfort and increase flow in the meridians. Finally, Di Long (Earthworm) opens the channels and extinguishes wind. Di Long is frequently found in formulas which address Bi / obstruction syndrome as it is extremely effective at unblocking the meridians. *


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
Dan Nan XingPrepared Arisaema RhizomeArisaema cum Bile
Zhi Chuan WuPrepared AconiteRadix Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata
Zhi Cao Wuā€ˇProcessed Wild Aconite RootRadix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata
Di LongEarthwormLumbricus
Ru XiangFrankincenseOlibanum
Mo YaoMyrrhMyrrha
Other Ingredients:Corn starch, dextrin,magnesium stearate

Invigorates and clear the channels, activates qi and blood, benefits kidney yang to disperse cold. Invigorates the blood, unblock the collaterals, dispel dampness, transform phlegm.

Rheumatic pain, numbness, cold joints, and chronic lower back pain.

Take 2 tablets, 2 times a day with or before meals on an average body weight of 110 lb. One bottle lasts users 25 days.

The dose may be increased proportionally on body weight. Consult your practitioner for precise dosage recommendations on this and other factors.

Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.

Discount: $10.95 each when you buy 2 or more

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.