Shi Quan Da Bu Wan


$7.25 each when you buy 2 or more


This formula is used for Deficient Qi and general debility following a long illness or surgery. Also used to treat patients with loss of blood.



Shi Quan Da Bu Wan

Ten Flavor Tea

200 Pills

This formula is used for Deficient Qi and general debility following a long illness or surgery. Also used to treat patients with loss of blood.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
Dang ShenPilose Asiabell RootRadix Codonopsis Pilosulae
Huang QiAstragalus RootRadix Astragali
Bai ShaoWhite Peony RootRadix Paeoniae Alba
Bai Zhu White AtractylodesRhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Fu LingPoria, TuckahoePoriae Cocos
Shu Di HuangPrepared Rehmannia RootRadix Rehmanniae Preparata
Dang GuiAngelica RootRadix Angelicae Sinensis
Rou Gui Cinnamon BarkCortex Cinnamomi
Chuan XiongChuanxiong RhizomeRadix Ligustici Wallichii
Gan CaoLicorice RootRadix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis
Other ingredients:Corn Starch

Supplement Qi and blood, adjust menstruation in women with excess bleeding due to Deficient Blood and Deficient Blood.

General debility after long illness or surgery, with symptoms of weakness, shortness of breath, cold limbs, pale face, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness. Excess bleeding when menstruating for women. Subcutaneous skin ulcers (bedsores, skin breakdown) which may be deep-rooted, and long standing, possibly a year or more.

Take 8 pills, 3 times a day

$7.25 each when you buy 2 or more



*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.