Sedalyn Extract – Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan


$7.25 each when you buy 2 or more

Nourishes heart blood, cools blood heat, nourishes heart yin, calms shen or spirit. Nourish blood, strengthen heart, tonify Qi.



Sedalyn Extract

Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan

Lan Zhou Traditional Herbs

160 MG each – 200 Pills

This formula is very useful for disturbed when patterns due to deficiency, and their effect is equal to Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan. The herbs work together to calm the heart by tonifying Yin and blood while also cooling the blood. Biota, the main ingredient is valued for promoting sleep and calming anxiety. If you are experiencing the feelings of nervousness and low energy, the natural dietary supplement Sedalyn Extract is the product for you. Sedalyn extract works naturally to perk and energize the whole body.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Namemg
Fu LingPoria, TuckahoePoriae Cocos260
Huang Qi Astragalus Root Radix Astragali150
Chuan XiongChuanxiong Rhizome, Szechuan LovageRadix Ligustici Wallichii 150
Dang GuiChinese Angelica Root Radix Angelicae Sinensis150
Ban XiaPinellia TuberRhizoma Pinelliae150
Bai Zi RenArborvitae SeedSemen Biotae50
Dang ShengPilose Asiabell RootRadix Codonopsis Pilosulae50
Yuan ZhiPolygala RootRadix Polygalae50
Rou GuiCinnamon Bark, Cassia barkCortex Cinnamomi50
Gan CaoLicorice RootGlycyrrhiza Uralensis50
Suan Zao RenWild Jujube SeedSemen Zizyphi Spinosae50
Wu Wei ZiSchisandra FruitFructus Schisandrae50
Other ingredients:Corn Starch

Nourishes heart blood, cools blood heat, nourishes heart yin, calms shen or spirit. Nourish blood, strengthen heart, tonify Qi.

Use for disturbed shen due to deficiency of heart blood causing insomnia, restlessness, palpitation, night sweat, anxiety, or vivid uncomfortable dreaming. Also useful for poor concentration, clouded mind, short breath, and mental fatigue. Low energy, chills, cold limbs, headache, dizziness, poor memory, agitation, nightmare, a pale face, neurasthenia with the above mentioned symptoms.

Take 8 pills, 3 times a day.

Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing.

$7.25 each when you buy 2 or more

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.