Prostate Gland Pills (Kai Kit Wan)


Discount: $12.95 each when you buy 2 or more

Prostate Gland pill is highly effective in cases of chronic prostate gland swelling, infection, with symptoms of burning urination, difficulty in urination, dribbling or painful urination, painful testes. Also suitable for urinary tract infections with accompanying lower back or abdominal pain.



Prostate Gland Pills (Kai Kit Wan)
Yu Lam Brand
Anhui Dongshengyoubang Pharmaceutical, Co., Ltd. 

180 Pills

Prostate Gland Pills supports the health of the prostate, lower abdomen, lower back and spinal cord and is helpful in maintaining a healthy urogenital system.*


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Namemg
Huang BaiPhellodendron BarkSemen Vaccariae130.5
Chi ShaoRed PeonyRadix Paeoniae Rubra130.5
Dang GuiAngelica RootRadix Angelicae130.5
Tu Fu LingSmilax Glabra RootRhizoma Smilacis Glabrae130.5
San LengBurr Reed RhizomeRhizoma Sparganii78
Ze XieWater Plantain RhizomeRhizoma Alismatis104.4
Ma Chi XianPurslane, PortulacaHerba Portulacae104.4
Ma Bian CaoVerbena, VervainHerba Verbenae104.4
Hu Er CaoSaxafragaHerba Saxafragae104.4
Chai HuBupleurum RootRadix Bupleuri78
Chuan Niu XiCyathula RootRadix Cyathulae78
Gan CaoLicorice RootRadix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis26.4
Other ingredientsWater and Non-GMO cornstarch

Conditioning prostate gland functions, promote gland activities, promote blood circulation, stop pain and inflammation.

Symptoms associated with prostatitis, enlarged prostate.

Take 6 pills, 3 times a day with warm water.

Do not use if pregnant or nursing, for prolonged periods of time, in cases of excessive menstruation, hypertension, edema, liver disorders, sever kidney insufficiency, hypokalemia, heart disease with edema, or congestive heart failure. Not recommended in cases of spleen or stomach deficiencies, distention and fullness of stomach or chest, or if taken in excess of recommended serving size. Patients undergoing surgery are advised to stop use 7 days before surgery, and those with a history of kidney stones should use this herb cautiously.

Discount: $12.95 each when you buy 2 or more

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.