Prostate Gland Capsule


Discount: $6.50 each when you buy 2 or more

Chronic prostatitis, urethritis, haematuria, painful urethra, dysuria, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, testes pain.

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Prostate Gland Capsule

GuangZhou Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Guangzhou, China

400mg – 30 Capsules

Chronic Prostatitis is a common problem in men. It typically happens together with urethritis and epididymitis. TCM determines that prostate gland inflammation belongs to a section of urinary tract infection. Chronic prostatitis happens because the problem has completely been dealt with in the acute period and the pathogenic bacteria still incubate in the glands. In the development of chronic inflammation, main changes are fibrosis, granuloustes, infiltration and tubular gland obstruction making the result of dysuria. After years of research, this natural herbal product has been developed to support the health of the prostate gland and the urinary system.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Namemg
Che Qian ZiPlantain Seed  Semen Plantaginis95
Huang BaiPhellodendron barkCortex Phellodendri128
Liang Tou JianRadde AnemoneRhizoma Anemones Raddeanae128
Hu PoSuccinum, AmberSuccinus 22
Rou GuiCinnamon BarkCortex Cinnamomi1
Anise Oil2
Pu Gong YingDandelion HerbHerba Taraxaci128
Huang QiAstragalus RootRadix Astragali168
Ze LanBugleweedHerba Lycopi128
Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule)

Conditions prostate gland function, stimulate gland activities, promote blood circulation, relieves pains and inflammation.

Chronic prostatitis, urethritis, haematuria, painful urethra, dysuria, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, testes pain.

Take 2 capsules each time, 3 times a day. 30 days as a treatment cycle.

Discount: $6.50 each when you buy 2 or more

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.