Mai Wei Di Huang Wan


$7.00 each when you buy 2 or more

Use for chronic deficiencies of Yin causing dry cough, dry throat and dry nasal passages. This formula is primarily for lung Yin deficiency due to an underlying kidney yin deficiency.

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Mai Wei Di Huang Wan

LanZhou FoGuang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., LanZhou, China
200 Pills

Use for chronic deficiencies of Yin causing dry cough, dry throat and dry nasal passages. This formula is primarily for lung Yin deficiency due to an underlying kidney yin deficiency.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
Shu Di HuangPrepared Rehmannia RootRadix Rehmanniae Preparata
Shan Zhu YuDogwood Fruit, Cornelian CherryFructus Corni
Shan YaoDioscorea, Chinese YamRadix Dioscoreae
Mu Dan PiMoutan BarkCortex Moutan
Ze XieAlismatis Rhizome, Water PlantainRhizoma Alismatis
Fu LingPoria, TuckahoePoriae Cocos
Mai DongOphiopogon RootTuber Ophiopogonis
Wu Wei ZiSchisandra FruitFructus Schisandrae

Moistens the lung, treat Deficient Lung Yin or Deficient Kidney Yin, strengthen Kidney Qi.

Use for chronic deficiencies of Yin causing dry cough, dry throat and dry nasal passages. Secondary symptoms may include dizziness, ringing of the ears or palpitation. Applicable in chronic dry cough due to tuberculosis, HIV infections, diabetes, smoking, and deficiency asthma. Chronic cough due to Deficient Kidney Yin with symptoms of dry cough, lumbago, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, night sweats, thirst.

Take 8 pills, 3 times a day

$7.00 each when you buy 2 or more

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.