Golden 50


Discount: $13.95 when you buy 3 (three) or moreĀ 

The natural nutritional support system for women. To improve hormonal balance, sleep and mental focus.



Golden 50

Supplement for Menopause
M&A Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.

300mg – 90 Tablets

The natural nutritional support system for women.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
Fu Xiao MaiLight WheatFructus Tritici levis
Fu LingPoria, Tuckahoe, Indian BreadPoriae Cocos
Gou TengUncaria StemRamulus Uncariae cum Uncis
Shou Wu TengFleece-flower Stem, Fo-Ti Stem, Foxglove StemCaulis Polygoni Multiflori
Wu Wei ZiSchisandra FruitFructus Schisandrae Chinensis
Shu Di HuangRehmanniaRadix Rehmanniae Preparata
Xuan ShenScrophularia Root, Figwort RootRadix Scrophulariae
Ze XieAlismatis Rhizome, Water PlantainRhizoma Alismatis
Other Ingredients:Corn Starch, Titanium DioxideMagnesium Stearate, (FD&C) Red No. 3

To improve hormonal balance, sleep and mental focus.

Menopausal symptoms

As a dietary supplement, take 6 tablets 2 to 3 times a day.

Discount: $13.95 when you buy 3 (three) or more

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.