Chinese Zhi Gen Duan – Hemorrhoids Support


Discount: $7.25 each when you buy 2 or more

Clear away Blood Heat and toxic materials, stops bleeding, alleviate pain, eliminate blood stasis, promote tissue regeneration, alleviate itching, eliminate wetness, eliminate swelling, relax the bowels.

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Chinese Zhi Gen Duan

Hemorrhoids Support

Guangzhou Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. Guangzhou, China

380 mg -60 Pills

Supports the health of the anal system


Clear away Blood Heat and toxic materials, stops bleeding, alleviate pain, eliminate blood stasis, promote tissue regeneration, alleviate itching, eliminate wetness, eliminate swelling, relax the bowels.

External and internal piles (hemorrhoids), hemorrhoidal bleeding

Take 4 pills orally, 3 times a day.

Not to be used during pregnancy.

Discount: $7.25 each when you buy 2 or more

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.