

To provide an alternative method to better health by making information and products related to Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbs available.


We come from four generations of Chinese herbalists and firmly believe that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbs, and other natural products can assist in the treatment of most ailments and disorders.  Symptoms can be minimized with little or no adverse effects.

Traditionally, we have provided services from a retail storefront where people sought our products and got information about TCM through books and brochures.  However, we have noticed over the years that many people were still unfamiliar with TCM and herbs and were intimidated by the vast amount of information associated with TCM and herbs.  Many people have asked about where they can find information online or have mentioned that the Internet sites available do not provide adequate information.  Also, most websites do not offer products.

With that in mind, we have decided to create a comprehensive website that provides a vast amount of information and traditional Chinese herbal products at reasonable prices. We believe in making resources available to educate consumers about TCM so that people have an alternative method to better health.