Keep Fit & Reduce Capsules


Discount: $6.75 each when you buy 2 or more

This natural dietary supplement combines the arts of herbal therapy and herbal nutrients. It helps you in fat metabolism. Keep Fit Reduce Obesity can be used as part of an overall weight loss program and it is most effective when combined with a reduce calorie diet and moderate exercise.

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Keep Fit & Reduce Capsules

(Te Xiao Shou Fu Jian Fei)

24 Capsules

This natural dietary supplement combines the arts of herbal therapy and herbal nutrients. It helps you in fat metabolism. Keep Fit & Reduce Capsules can be used as part of an overall weight loss program and it is most effective when combined with a reduce calorie diet and moderate exercise.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
He Shou WuFleece-flower Root, Fo-Ti Root, Foxglove RootRadix Polygoni Multiflori
Ge GenPueraria Root, KudzuRadix Puerariae
Che Qian CaoPlantain leafPlantago Asiatica Herba
Gou Qi ZiWolfberry Fruit, Lycium FruiFructus Lycii Chinensis
Dan ShenRed Sage Root, SalviaRadix Salviae Militiorrhizae
Ze XieAlismatis Rhizome, Water PlantainRhizoma Alismatis
Da HuangRhubarbRadix et Rhizoma Rhei
Tu Si ZiDadder SeedSemen Cuscutae

Reduce fat, stimulate blood circulation, balance metabolism, reducing unnecessary body weight.

Obesity, excess body weight, excess body fat

Take 2 capsules, 3 times a day

While taking the capsules, please refrain from eating fatty and greasy foods, continue to exercise, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Discount: $6.75 each when you buy 2 or more

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.